Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Hump Day!

I miss a friend when it comes to Hump Day! pun intended. He'd greet me with, "Morning Mubs..Wednesday..HUMP DAY!"

It was a typical morning at the Vohra household...Awwallyn yelling at Shuara for running late..offcourse that all starts after my cold and warm hugs & kisses. Always a pleasure.

All was going as well as it could on a hump day, until Nance told me of the terror attacks in Bombay..sorry Mumbai! Right away I thought it probably had to do with some islamic terrorist faction...pull up FoxNews..and guess what I am right! I hate it!! Right away I start thinking of those poor souls who are either dead or hurt..and those still in the mess. Those responsible should be brought to justice and without pointing fingers. The people of Mumbai have to stand together leaving aside the difference of religion, cast and creed. Work together as one India!

Bombay always brings me back to good memories and old days. Time has been quite cruel, we have all drifted apart. Emotional and geographical distances has made it even more difficult. Well, I accept that time moves on., and so must we!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen"_Winston Churchill.

I seem to have no courage at all when it comes to speaking up for myself, so I use my journal or this blog to ward off my rants.

I have a wierd relationship with sleep, it eludes me when I need it the most and beckons me when I don't! Woke up to Awwallyn's cold tiny hands around me in an early morning embrace as always from her and a peck on the cheek..her lips were cold too! I hugged her back and asked to be left alone for 15 mins or avail to that, Shuara popped in with her warm hugs and kisses too! :)

There goes my 15mins of sleep...oh! can I just take a pill and sleep until I can't sleep.. I want sleep until the sun sets and the moon rises..sleep beyond that...if only it were possible?! Got up, got dressed and out the door in 45 mins....I think I just drove until I got to my destination...I stopped at a couple of school crossings and a few red begins my Tuesday November 25th...