Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Gentle Soul....

A gentle giant of sorts
He lived for others…for others he gave all
Progress he yearned for …progress he achieved
A beloved brother, uncle, husband, father and grandfather…to his loved ones
A benefactor, a source of soundness…an equal voice for just causes
Admired and loved by many…family, friends and foe alike
Though they may not admit it…even his enemies coveted his eminence
Rest in peace o gentle giant…your shoes stay empty for none can walk your path
An ode to a beloved man…an ode to our uncle!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

my muse - ii

Life sure does play cruel games with us humans. Some of us are smart enough to join in and the rest, well it is pain to watch them suffer.

-As time passes by I look back at “my muse” & wonder what if?
-What if he & I were to take the same path?
-where would we have ended up?

All these `what ifs` and no one to answer them. Shame and guilt eludes my thoughts when I think of him. I feel no shame for he is my muse. I feel no guilt for I haven’t committed a crime.
He visits my dreams from time to time. Some are pleasant and some are dreadful. I don’t dwell on them much anymore. My life is my own now! I have taken control, I have taken charge and I have no regrets. We talk once in a blue moon and it is getting to be a little awkward. I don’t know what to say when we get on the phone..& then the silence follows with ums & huhs…