Friday, December 31, 2010


"Old dreams were good dreams; they didn't work out, but glad I had them" RK-BOMC

I wake up in the middle of the night jolted by what seems to be a splash of water. I find myself standing knee deep in a river somewhere. It all seems so surreal, so pristine, and so beautiful. Suddenly I am back in my cold & comfy bed.

I used to dream but of late, I haven't had any that I can recall. The thoughts that cross my mind these days have been vague and sullen. I day dream every so often and wonder what would have been? What could have been? Again, I find myself in the real world and gasping for a single breath!

Tonight, I lay myself to sleep with hopes of new, exciting and promising dreams. Dreams of you, dreams of me and dreams of all that is to be!!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

my thoughts lead to you

Thoughts cross my mind and I am thinking of you.
The moon appears over the lake and I am thinking of you…
A breeze passes by and I am thinking of you.
The sun rises and sets at your thoughts,
You have me enthralled and encaged.
I can’t escape even if I try to and GOD knows I want to.
I want to break free, I want to soar high and scream…
I am free…free at last free of you, of her, of us…of dreams!!!